Thursday 26 August 2021



9 - 12 Materials

How is my beautiful tiny 6lb baby a 1 year old?! Like where has this year gone??! As predicted these last 3 months have been dramatic in India's development. She's saying words now with purpose and meaning, she's cruising on anything and everything and is so affectionate. Her personality is really blossoming now. Not only a loving little girl but a cheeky one too!

So what has she been doing these last three months? What has kept her engaged? What schemas or sensitive periods has she been in? Trajectory schema. Probably most people's least favourite one. Why? Because it involves experimenting with how things move through space. It's the throwing schema, the running schema, the *when will this end* schema?! She's been experimenting with how her own body moves through space:
  • Lots of climbing forwards and backwards. 
  • Throwing herself backwards from a sitting position  for fun (she's crazy). 
  • Throwing balls, toys, food and her cup.
  • Pulling to stand and walking with her wagon.
More info on schemas check out the posts on my page or Gemma's youtube channel which can be found here.
The wagon was second hand freebie which I just filled with her Bauspiel blocks to add some weight. She now doesn't need them but they look pretty and the storage is perfect fit.

Vehicles have been another favourite. I'm still unsure whether it's because she's genuinely interested or more because it's what Alfie uses the most. Ha! She's a devil. The ice cream van pictured (Le Toy Van) is a particular favourite because she enjoys posting small objects into it. Reinforced by her object permanence stage 2 box with posting the ball but now opening the drawer to retrieve the ball. 

Touch and feel board books have gripped her more these last three months and she actively searches the page now for the sensory input. I hope she is a greedy reader like me and Alfie. 

Other materials she has been loving are:
  • Her pikler triangle - similar available here. (JOURNALS5 to save)
  • Schleich animals in language baskets and from our open ended toy selection.
  • Sarah's silks play silk for the old classic peekaboo but also great for the trajectory schema. Experimenting with how different materials travel through space.
  • Baby dolls - she got this one for her birthday but had been loving ones at Nana's and Alfie's old one too.
What big changes did you notice between 9-12 months?

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