Sunday 6 October 2019

Car Seat Minefield

Rare forward facing moment! I swear he likes it more than he lets on!

So I’m a bit late to the party but I’m going to try and post everyday for #blogtober 
Good intentions so we’ll see if I can stick to it. 

Car seats. What a minefield! Isofix, seat belts and now I-size! We had the Maxi Cosi Pebble Plus car seat on the 2way isofix base. Initially I thought when we first bought our baby car seat that we’d go for the 2 way pearl because it fitted the same isofix base. 

Then I discovered spinning car seats. Game. Changer. Lots of people I asked had opted for the Joie 360 for this exact reason. 

Enter I size. A quick summary if you haven’t heard of I size. It’s the new improved safer regulations for child car seats. You can still use non-I size car seats but eventually I think they’ll phase in so all suppliers are using I size. 

We eventually decided on the Cybex Sirona S I-size and managed to get it on offer too! Not exactly a bargain but more features for the same money as the Joie. And the spin feature is the one! 

It keeps him rear facing until 4 or we can turn him forward facing once he’s the right height. This is the difference with I size. It bases safety on height rather than weight or age. It physically won’t let me turn him forward facing because of the adjustments to his fit. Very clever! 

What car seat did you go for? Was spin important for you or keeping babies rear facing as long as possible? 

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