Monday 7 October 2019

First Year

 Wahey 2 blogs in 2 days check me out! I’ve actually got myself organised. We had a lot going on over the Summer with a wedding, house move and Alfie’s first birthday so now things have calmed down a bit I’m going to do a little reflection on the past year.

Not all babies follow the same routines. I remember being pregnant just over a year ago and buying/borrowing so many parenting books. I know that for some parents they’ve worked but for me... well it was an interesting read at the time but totally irrelevant. Alfie is a rule unto himself.

Breastfeeding is harder than I thought it would be.I’m going to do a whole post on that later in the month on my tips that have helped me through this year so stay tuned for that. 

It is totally normal for babies to not sleep through by 12 months(sorry expectant parents). This hurts. You may be one of the lucky ones who gets a baby that sleeps through at 6 weeks but that is the exception. It is still normal for babies over 1 years old to wake in the night. Adjustyour expectations and be kind to yourself. They’ll get there. (I mean they have to because that’s what I’m clinging on to)

Baby led weaning is great but messy. Traditional weaning is also great and still messy. Same as point 1. The NHS recommends weaning from 6 months once baby can sit unaided and has lost the tongue thrust reflex. However, every baby is different. Some are ready earlier than others. Some are ready later than others. We went for baby led weaning generally but we also used pouches and pots. Home made batches is great but I didn’t have time nor did I want to do that. He had a mix and is perfectly healthy. Don’t be bullied into thinking you have to do one way or the other. What works for you is sufficient justification. 

Go to the baby group. Meet a friend. Get out of the house. Because Lord knows it can be a lonely place being at home all day. You are not less of a person for being a stay at home mum (SAHM). You are a nurse, educator, cleaner, mother, father, chef - the list is endless. 

Eat the cake. Because you know you deserve it. 
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