Saturday 25 May 2019


I’ve been slacking on here so thought I’d do a quick post before I fly out for my Hen weekend. 

I recently posted some information on my Instagram and Facebook stories about pumping. The information given is purely based on my own experiences and research and is no way a medical opinion but if it gives you a bit of help or answers any questions then I’m happy.

I’ve been pumping since Alfie was 6 weeks old so the stash I’ve built has been over a long period of time. I find pumping to be such a chore so I knew that I needed to start early on because I didn’t want to pump more than once a day. Obviously if you need to do short term you’ll have to pump more etc. Just remember your boobs will adjust to meet the new demand so once you stop pumping it’ll take a couple days for things to calm down again. Boobs are so clever!

Here are my pumping tips and tricks:
  1. Pump in the morning. I found I could get more in a shorter time doing this.
  2. The more you pump; the more you make. Bear this in mind when you stop pumping. 
  3. Make sure you are relaxed. Your let down will be quicker.
  4. Pump when baby feeds. I had a NatureBond pump in the early days that I would attach on my other side to catch any let down milk. 
  5. Invest in a good pump if you’re going to be pumping long term. I had a Tommee Tippee electric pump and I’m so glad for it. A hand pump would’ve killed my hand off.
  6. You are never empty. Let me say that again for the people in the back. YOUR BOOBS DON’T EMPTY. Your baby will still be able to feed after you’ve pumped. As you are pumping your boobs are refilling.

Let’s just take a minute to appreciate our amazing bodies! Happy pumping!

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