Saturday 8 June 2019

Working Mum

To the mums returning to work and the mums who already do, this one’s for you. 

I get it now. 

I now understand why you rush off from those meetings. I now get why you’re dashing out the door by half 4. 

I get it now. 

I’ve gone back 2 days a week which I’m then increasing to 3. It’s so different being a working mum. Managing your priorities but managing the guilt too. Why do people not warn you about the guilt????!! 

That drive to work was just the worst. Rationally I know I had to go back - weddings don’t pay for themselves but I didn’t expect to feel so guilty. Then there’s the guilt for going back part time. Because you know before pregnancy you were that co-worker that was in early and staying late but now you’re clock watching from lunch. 

How can I be smashing motherhood and smashing work if I’m doing both part time? The truth is I don’t have the answer about the guilt but I do know there’s nothing like being reunited at the end of the day. That moment when they see you.

I get it now.

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