Monday 25 November 2019

No more Milk

The day has arrived. The end of a journey. After 15 months, Alfie has decided to self-wean from the boob; prompted also by his recent hospital stay I think too. So here’s what I learnt and what I wish I’d known before. May you benefit from my hindsight:
  1. Babies feed a lot in the early days. Like don’t expect to leave the sofa after 4:30. I promise you’re not empty. Just go with baby and keep putting them on the breast. They’re preparing your body for the growth spurt ahead. 
  2. Latching is hard work. Like nearly impossible. Prepare for it to not be “natural”. You don’t have a clue. Baby doesn’t have a clue. Blind leading the blind. I’m not joking. It took 45 mins every feed. Every 3 hours. Including nights. It’s hard work.
  3. Have snacks and drinks next to you. Not within arms reach. Next to you. Because baby will unlatch. See post above for why you don’t want this to happen.
  4. Jaundice is breastfeeding enemy. Sleepy babies don’t want to feed. Not feeding is less milk supply. Babies fall asleep a lot at the breast. It’s hard work for baby too. They have to prompt your let down. Sleepy babies also don’t want to latch. See above for why this is bad. 
  5. Bronchiolitis is breastfeeding enemy two. Babies have to work hard to feed. Babies that are already working hard to breathe don’t want to feed. Seek medical advice always when baby refuses milk feeds.
  6. Somebody offering to feed your baby to give you a break is a well meant misguided gesture. Your breasts will make the milk for the missed feed. While you should be “resting” from a feed. You’ll have to sterilise your pump/bottle. Pump off the missed feed and store. Or don’t pump. You’ll be uncomfortable. Body reduces milk supply. Baby works harder to feed. Doesn’t want to latch. Are you sensing the pattern? instead they can help by winding baby after, changing the nappy, fetching drinks and snacks.
  7. You’ll be hungry/thirsty all the time. ALL THE TIME. You’ll also lose weight. I lost all my baby weight and some within 2 months. Regular exercise and healthy (ish) diet too.
  8. Teething does hurt. Literally nothing else to say to this. You don’t know fear until you put your nipple in a teething baby’s mouth. God’s speed.
  9. Some people will be unkind. It’s sad but true. Either out of ignorance, jealousy or outdated “cover up” beliefs. You’re a superstar Mama so remember that.
  10. For every unkind person there’s 10 kind ones. I’ve had cafes offer me drinks while I’ve been feeding. Random strangers have offered congratulations. Take the good and forget the ugly.
  11. If you do want to cover up. It’s hard work. Not sure if I’ve said about latching. It’s hard in the beginning. Draping a cloth over yourself and baby well you’ve just increased the difficulty level. I always ended up tossing it away in frustration. 
  12. You’ll leak. A lot. Like 8 months. Stock up on pads. I bought reusable to do my bit for the environment. Very reasonable price and washes on a normal cycle. you’ll leak when baby cries. When you think about your baby. It’s the strangest wonderful thing
  13. You’ll spray someone. Most likely your baby. It’s ok. We’ve all done it. 
  14. The nights are long. The feeds are longer. It’s ok to scroll through your phone and close your ears to the “cherish every feed”. You’ll be doing it a lot in 24 hours. Think 14/15 times. You can cherish the next one. 
  15. Take a minute to realise how amazing you are. You grew a human for 9 months. Now you’re keeping them alive.
  16. Any breast milk is amazing. Whether it’s the first milk gold or you’re 2 years in. Well done. If no one told you I’m proud of you ⭐️
Well I didn’t think I’d get here. I wanted to do 12 months and luck and hard work was in my favour. We made it through::
- Jaundice
- Bronchiolitis
- Ng tube feed
- Exclusive pumping for a week
- Hen weekend
- Wedding Day
- Return to work
If you’ve just started. Hang in there. You can do this but be kind to yourself .

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