Sunday 23 August 2020

Beginning Montessori

 E N T R Y W A Y

Prepared environment - one of the aspects of the Montessori method that first appealed to me was the promotion of independence.

My home is by no means fully Montessori but I’ve definitely been trying to implement aspects as I’ve learnt more. (Hence our account name change - big leap @themontessorijournals !) It can be quite overwhelming when you first read into it and knowing where to start is daunting. We’ve had so many changes over the last two years that it’s been back seated a lot! But a new baby arriving any day has given me a kickstart to make some manageable changes.

I decided to do the entryway because it was a really simple adjustment that would instantly give Alfie some independence. Our hallway is small so I couldn’t fit a stool but this set up is opposite our stairs and he’s been sitting on the bottom step for awhile so that’s ideal. I just used a simple stick on hook and basket for shoes. He’s got two pairs to choose from at the minute and I might add an extra hook for another coat/jacket. I’d like to add something about the weather too to give real life grounding and understanding to the area so any recommendations send my way.

Have you got any prepared environments in your home? Which ones did you find the easiest to change?

For any more information on Montessori and the benefits these are some accounts that I’ve found really helpful on instagram:





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